5 minute summary

1. A massive part of my blog was completeing my own quick pieces of work to go with each section of the website. I tried to work as if I were working in a concept book or sketch book. I kept the designs quick and simple and based them completely on what was happening or inspiring me in that moment. 

I find I work best this way as it gives me a sense of freedom and encourages me to go as wild with my ideas as I like without worrying that they wont work. 

"I like working in concept books and sketch books as they give me a greater sense of freedom. All my initial ideas are very in the moment and inspired by whats happening on that day at that very minuet"
Examples of this on my blog include my self portraite series and the titles I made for each of the pages.

The self portraites were based purely on my passport photo and collaged to visually comunicate ten key facts about me. Whilst a lot of my titles where created using photography and 3D elements, I also used my love of  scanning to create the subtitle piece bellow. The majority of designs were however kept sketchy looking to fit in with the blogs theme as an 'online concept book'. 

 2. Pinterest board of the mounth- Another key feature to my blog was using the Pinterest Board of the mounth posts as a way of showing my different tastes in design. 

"My favourite part of Graphic Design is uncovering the hidden meaning behind work. I think a good piece of Design comes with its own metaphorical novel"

Graphics is my main design interest, I like how context plays a major role in influencing the medium. In particular I like album cover design, political or propaganda work and social design as I beleive these have the greatest impact on audience. With a more meaningful outcome each piece of work has a story far deeper than its initial obviouse message, take for example Rodchenko's 'books'-1924 (above).

"I love trying to find new ways to communicate using mediums we wouldn't usually consider Graphic Design."

 However, I also have an interest in surface pattern design and collaging. Aesthetically I find creating pattern, shape and structure far more interesting than using type or photography to communicate a message. I like work that includes a mix of medias (as shown above). 

I also idolise design houses such as HORT who use just geometric shape and colour to create Booka Shade's album covers. This interest in a range of medias comes from my interest in finding new, unexpected ways to communicate. Take for example a wallpaper project I completed last year where I used Surface Pattern Design to create a piece of Graphic Design. 

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